Mardi Himal Trek - Best Itineraries - Trekking Cost with different options

View from High Camp (3550m)

Mardi Himal 5,587m is a trekking peak beneath the most prominent, sacred and fascinating Machapuchre (Fishtail) 6993m Himal in the Annapurna Region within the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) of Nepal.

Since it’s opened in 2012, this trek become one of the favorite trekking destinations in the Annapurna Region of Nepal beside the famous Ghorepani Poonhill Trek, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek and Annapurna Circuit Trek. Mardi Himal Trek is one of the shortest trek to reach at an elevation of 4500m which offers a mind-blowing overlooking view of majestic Machapuchre (6993m), Mardi Himal (5587m) itself, Annapurna Base Camp, lush rhododendron forest, diverse landscapes, different villages and the most amazing sunrise view.

If you are planning your first trek in Nepal, this trek would be your most impressive trek in the shortest period of time. You need only 4 days’ time to admire its natural beauty. Although there are different trekking options in the Annapurna Region, this trek remains the shortest trek to admire the majestic snowy peaks.

Annapurna Region of Nepal has much more trekking options from the classic and famous Ghorepani, Poonhill Trek, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Homestay Panchase Danda Trek to the newly opened and an off the beaten trail Khopra Danda Trek and Mohare Danda Trek.  

Mardi Himal Trek Quick Overview.

Duration – 4 Days

Distance – 40km

Main starting point – Ghandruk/Dhampus Phedi/Kande

Main finishing point – Siding/Lwang

Trek Permits – ACAP permit and TIMS card

Highest elevation – Mardi Himal Base Camp, 4500m

Walk duration -         5-6 hours

Guide – organized trek in a group, with a porter/guide or independent.

Trek budget – $25 per person per day

Accommodation – teahouses/guesthouses

Food – Nepali, Western, Chinese, Indian

Landscapes - different villages, typical Nepali houses, the agricultural field, lush rhododendron forest,                          monkey bridge, rivers, snowy peaks, yaks, lakes, sunrise view, Buddhist and Hindu faith.

Table of Contents

1.       1. Mardi Himal Trek trails options and Outline Itineraries

2.    2.Mardi Himal Trek Permits and Insurance for the Trek.

4.       3Best Season

5.       4. Independent Trek or Guided Trek

6.       5Trekking Cost of Mardi Himal Trek

7.      6 Accommodation and Food on the Trek

8.      7. Best Mardi Himal Trek Itinerary

9.      8. Trekking Materials and Packing List for the Trek

10  9Places to Visit in Pokhara


1. 1. Mardi Himal Trek Trail Options and Outline Itineraries

Trail Option 1

Dhampus Phedi (1100m) is the classic and famous starting point of different famous treks in Annapurna Region such as Ghorepani Poonhill Trek, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, Mardi Himal Trek, and Homestay Panchase Danda Trek. It is 17.5 km away from Pokhara and takes 45mins drive.

Beautiful Dhampus village (1650m) is the first overnight stay for this trek. It takes a 1.5-hour hike from Dhampus Phedi through the agricultural field, tropical forest, and village. The first 25 mins are steep ascend on a stone staircase than trail climb up progressively up to the village. Beautiful Dhampus village offers a marvelous view of towing Machapuchre (6993m), Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m), and diverse landscapes. 

Ending point at Siding (1750m), one can easily find a jeep to Pokhara and takes 3 hours’ drive. It cost NRS 1000/- US$9 per person.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Kathmandu (1350m) – Pokhara (900m) 7 hours’ drive or 25mins flight – Dhampus Phedi drive (35mins) – Dhampus (1100m) 1.5h walk. Overnight at Lodge.

 Day 2: Dhampus – Forest Camp (2600m) 5 hours walk. Overnight at Teahouse.

Day 3: Forest Camp – High Camp (3550m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at Teahouse.

Day 4: Exploration Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) 7 hours walk. Overnight at High Camp Teahouse.

Day 5: High Camp – Siding Village (1750m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 6: Siding – Pokhara 3 hours’ drive. Overnight at Pokhara Hotel.

Day 7: Pokhara – Kathmandu, drive back, or fly back. Overnight at Kathmandu Hotel. 

Trail Option 2

Starting point “Kande” is a 1-hour drive from Pokhara. Then the trail climbs up 1.5 hours to reach the scenic viewpoint at Australian Camp (2000m). 3 lodges/teahouses are available at Australian Camp. Beautiful snow-capped mountains such as Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m), Machapuchre (6997m) and Pokhara Phewa Lake can be observing. This is a perfect overnight stay in nature.


Ending point at Siding Village, we can find a local jeep to Pokhara which takes about 3 hours’ drive. Jeep cost per person NRS 1000/- US$9. 


Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Kathmandu – Pokhara drive (7hours) or flight (25mins) – Kande drive (1 hour) – Australian Camp (2000m) 1.5-hour walk. Overnight at teahouse/lodge.


Day 2: Kande – Forest Camp (2600m) 5 hours walk. Overnight at teahouse/lodge.

Day 3: Forest Camp – High Camp (3550m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 4: Exploration Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) 7 hours walk. Overnight at High Camp Lodge.

Day 5: High Camp – Siding Village (1750m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 6: Siding – Pokhara 3 hours’ drive. Overnight at Pokhara Hotel.

Day 7: Pokhara – Kathmandu drive back or fly back. Overnight at Kathmandu Hotel.

Trail Option 3

The starting point of the trek is Ghandruk village. One of the most beautiful villages of South Asia at an altitude of 1940m. It takes 3 hours’ drive on a local jeep from Pokhara. Their hospitality, Gurung Culture, Costumes, typical Nepali houses, museum and mesmerizing view of Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Machapuchre (6997m) fascinate all the visitors. This is a wonderful place for the first overnight stay of Mardi Himal Trek.


The ending point of this trek is Lwang Ghalel Village. Another beautiful Gurung village at an altitude of 1500m. Beautiful typical Gurung houses, an area of 50 hectares of tea plantation, and a homestay facility is a wonderful experience of local food, culture, and hospitality of this trek. It takes 2.5 hours’ drive on the local jeep to reach Pokhara. It cost NRP 1000/-US$9 per person.


Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Kathmandu - Pokhara 7 hours’ drive or 25 mins flight – Ghandruk Village (1940m) 3 hours’ drive on local jeep. Overnight at lodge.


Day 2: Ghandruk – Forest Camp (2600m) 5 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 3: Forest Camp – High Camp (3550m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 4: Exploration Mardi Himal View Point (4250m) – Middle Camp (3200m) 7 hours walk. Overnight at Middle Camp Lodge.

Day 5: High Camp – Forest Camp (2600m) 4 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 6: Forest Camp – Lwang Ghalel Village (1500m) 4 hours walk. Overnight at Lwang Homestay.

Day 7: Lwang – Pokhara 2.5 hours’ drive. Overnight at Pokhara Hotel.

Day 8: Pokhara – Kathmandu drive back or fly back. Overnight at Kathmandu Hotel.

Trail Option 4

The starting point is Ulleri, a classic trail to Ghorepani PoonHill Trek. Since recently of road access, one can go directly on the local jeep to Ulleri which takes 3.5 hours’ drive. A beautiful village for the first overnight stay of this trek which passes through the famous Ghorepani Poonhill Trek.


The ending point of this option is Lwang Ghalel Village, a beautiful Gurung village with a home stay facility, local food, and warm hospitality. From here it takes 3 hours’ drive to reach Pokhara on local jeep. It cost NRP 1000/- US$9 per person.


Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Kathmandu- Pokhara 7 hours’ drive or 25 mins flight – Ulleri 3.5 hours’ jeep drive. Overnight at Ulleri lodge.


Day 2: Ulleri – Ghorepani (2874m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 3: Ghorepani – Poonhill (3210m) – Tadapani (2620m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 4: Tadapani – Ghandruk (1940m) 4 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 5: Ghandruk – Forest Camp (2600m) 5 hours walk. Overnight at teahouse.

Day 6: Forest Camp – High Camp (3550m) 6 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 7: Exploration Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) 7 hours walk. Overnight at High Camp Lodge.

Day 8: High Camp – Forest Camp (2600m) 4 hours walk. Overnight at lodge.

Day 9: Forest Camp – Lwang Ghalel Village (1500m) 4 hours walk. Overnight at Lwang Homestay.

Day 10: Lwang – Pokhara local jeep drive 3 hours. Overnight at Pokhara Hotel.

Day 11: Pokhara – Kathmandu drive back or fly back. Overnight at Kathmandu Hotel.





One should have two different permits before starting to Mardi Himal Trek in the Annapurna Region in Nepal. One is the Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) Card and another is the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) permit. No need for any other permits for this trek.


One can obtain these permits Nepal Tourism Board offices in Kathmandu and also in Pokhara. If you have booked this trek with an authorized Travel and Trekking company, they will do this for you.


To receive the ACAP permit and TIMS Card, one should have a passport, details of insurance, 4 passport size photos, and contact details of a person in Nepal. If you are an individual trekker and don’t know anyone, you can give contact details of a hotel or guesthouse of Kathmandu and Pokhara.

TIMS Card fee: NPR. 2000/$18

ACAP permit fee: NPR. 3000/$27

Note: They only accept Nepalese Rupees.

Gandaki Province had announced to charge a levy of NPR. 1000/- per tourists to enter the area but not in effect. However, keep in mind that maybe it will be into effect in the future.


This trek is considered as a moderate trek in Nepal, with the highest elevation of 4500m. It is very important to have travel insurance because at such elevation the circumstances are unpredictable. So, it is necessary to have travel insurance for this trek.

But make sure that in case of emergency your insurance covers the helicopter rescue, natural disasters, medical charges, etc.



Mid-March to Mid-May is considered as the best season for trekking in Nepal. As the weather is almost always being clear so that we can admire the snow-capped mountains throughout the trail.

Mid-May to Mid-September is pre-monsoon and monsoon season in Nepal. So the roads are muddy and landslide can be occurring because of heavy rainfall. Of course, the weather is not clear.

The end of September to End of December is considered the high season in Nepal. It permits almost always the best weather with beautiful landscapes and snow-capped mountains view. October and November are also the biggest festival celebration time so this is the best season to travel and trek in Nepal. Since this is the peak season this place is crowded with local tourists as well as international tourists in the regions.


January and February are winter season so the weather is very cold because of heavy snow in the high altitude of this trek. Lodge and Teahouse owners also descend to lower village or Pokhara for 2 months. So trek is possible but for accommodation and food, we should carry tents and food with us. Some adventurous do the trek in this season.



Mardi Himal Trek can be done Independently if you are a regular hiker or trekker in the mountains. The trekking trail is well marked with blue and white strips and at the confusing point, they have well-marked the arrow. For the accommodation and food, every trekking destination there are lodges/teahouses. At forest camp 3 lodges/teahouses available with twin sharing rooms and common toilets. At low camp also there are 2 lodges/teahouses. At high camp, there are 4 lodges/teahouses.

But in the peak season, there are so many tourists so it’s better to hire an experienced guide which costs you $25-30 and a porter $20-22. Porter carries max. 25kg. The guide can manage to book the lodges for you and inform you about the trail and importance of this area if you want stress free trek.


If you want a guided tour, there are so many trekking agencies at Kathmandu and Pokhara. You can join their packaged tour which includes all the permits, guides, porters, accommodation, and food during the trekking. I recommend the agency where I work as a guide. Please check the link below.



TIMS Card fee per person               NRP: 2000/-US$18

ACAP Permit fee per person           NRP: 3000/-US$27

Breakfast per person per day           NRP 200-500/-US$2-4

Lunch per person per day                NRP 400-600/-US$4-5

Dinner per person per day               NRP 500-800/- US$5-7

Battery charge fee per mobile         NRP 150/-US$1.2

One-liter filter water                       NPR 50-200/-US$.5-2

Guide per day                                  NRP 2500/-US$25

Porter per day                                 NRP 2000/- US$20

Tips for guide                                 Not mandatory but it’s tourism culture. Recommended $2-3 per day.

Tips for porter                                 Not mandatory but it’s tourism culture. Recommended $1-2 per day.


Accommodation and food on Mardi Himal Trek

I am mentioning here the teahouses and lodges from Forest Camp to Lwang Village. In other places, there are plenty of options for accommodation.

1)      Forest Camp (2600m)

a)       HOTEL GREEN VIEW AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 9806536904, 9817121180, 9846802009

b)      HOTEL MARDI AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 9806635881, 9846802007

c)       HOTEL FOREST CAMP AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 9846619146

2)      HOTEL REST CAMP AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696535, 9856014428, 9816121776, 9806666036

3)      Low Camp

a)       HOTEL LALIGURANS GARDEN AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696883,9846087626, 9846183583, 9846817340

b)      HOTEL MACHAPUCHRE SHAMJHANA AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696875, 9856031903, 9846418575, 9860504755

4)      Badal Danda - HOTEL LUCKY VIEW AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-620041, 9866061995, 9814157732

5)      High Camp (3550m)

a)       HOTEL FISHTAIL AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696945, 9856014765, 9869143940, 9856075031

b)      HOTEL HIGH CAMP AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696839, 9846284859, 9866014558

c)       HOTEL TREKKER’S PARADISE AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696668, 9856087625, 9846087625, 9846087624, 9846183746, 9815155811

6)      Lwang Ghalel, Siding (1500m)

a)       GAUTAM COTTAGE AND RESTAURANT Cell. No.: 061-696883, 9846087626, 9846183583, 9846817340

b)      HOTEL TREKKER’S HOME NEPAL HIMALAYAN MEDITATION CENTRE Cell. No.: 061-696668, 9846087625, 9846087624, 9846183746


Food on Mardi Himal Trek

In these teahouses/lodges, they serve Nepali food such as Lentils, Rice, Vegetables, Oil fried wheat bread “Gurung bread”, Chapati bread. Chinese food such as fried noodles, dumpling-like mo: mo. Other foods such as pasta, spaghetti, boiled eggs, etc.  also available. You can also buy cane juice, can beer, chocolate bars, etc. but the price is not the same as in low areas.



Day 1: Kathmandu (1350m) – Pokhara (900m), 206 KM, 7 hours’ drive or 25 mins flight. Pokhara – Ulleri, 52.8km, 3.5 hours’ drive.

Day 2: Ulleri (1960m) – Ghorepani (2874m). 8 KM / 4.9 MILES. 6 hours walk. Overnight at Lodge. 

Day 3: Ghorepani (2874m) – PoonHill (3210m) – Tadapani (2610m). 7.5KM / 4.6 MILES. 6 hours walk. Overnight at Lodge.

Day 4: Tadapani (2610m) – Ghandruk (2012m). 9.8 KM / 6 MILES. 5 hours walk. Overnight at Lodge.

Day 5: Ghandruk (2012m) – Forest Camp (2600m), 9.5 KM / 5.9 MILES. 5 hours walk. Overnight at Lodge. 

Day 6: Forest Camp (2600m) – High Camp (3550m) 8.5 KM / 5.2 MILES. 6 hours walk. Overnight at Lodge.

Day 7: High Camp (3550m) – Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) – High Camp (3550m) 9KM / 5.5 MILES. 6 hours walk. Overnight at Lodge. 

Day 8: High Camp (3550) – Lwang (1500m) 15 KM / 9.3 MILES. 7 hours walk. Overnight at Lwang Homestay. 

Day 9: Lwang (1500m) – Pokhara (900m) 17.3 KM. 3 hours drive. Overnight at Hotel. 

Day 10: Pokhara (900m) – Kathmandu (1350m), 7 hours’ drive or 25mins flight. Overnight at Hotel. 


Trekking Materials and Packing List for the Trek

Important Materials:

  • Trekking Poles
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Backpack
  • Small daypack for carrying your valuables.
  • Personal first-aid kit (light).
  • Important medicines like aspirin, anti-diarrhea pills, anti-headache pills, cold and cough medicine, stomach antibiotic.
  • Water purification tablets.
  • Water bottles (2 liters)
  • Plug adapter


  • Waterproof and windproof Jacket (breathable)
  • Down Jacket
  • Thermal tops
  • Trekking shirts
  • Trekking trousers or pants
  • Hiking shorts
  • Lightweight thermal trousers
  • Breathable underwear
  • Rain gears

 Head and hand:

  • Lightweight gloves (inner thermal gloves and outer windproof and waterproof gloves)
  • Warm woolen hat
  • Sun Hat
  • Headlamp with extra batteries and bulbs
  • Sunglasses with UV protection


  • Hiking socks
  • Woolen socks
  • Hiking boots with spare laces
  • Hiking sandals
  • Cotton socks
  • Gaiters

 Toiletries and personal hygiene:

  • Quick drying towel
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Nail clippers
  • Face and body moisturizer
  • Sunscreen cream
  • Lip balm
  • Foot powder
  • Female hygiene products
  • Anti-bacterial hand wash
  • Wet wipes (baby wipes)
  • Tissue /toilet roll



An amazing hill station at an altitude of 1591m which is 9 km north side from Lakeside Pokhara and takes only 45 mins drive. This is the world-famous superb sunrise viewpoint with majestic snow-capped mountains, Pokhara Valley and Phewa Lake, the second biggest lake in Nepal.


It is located on the top of a small hillock at the north end of the old bazaar around 6 km from Lakeside. This is believed to be one of the oldest temples in the valley and is most famous in Pokhara. On lucky days, you may get chances to witness Hindu wedding ceremonies taking place on the premises of this temple.




It is located on a small island in the middle of Phewa Lake, the second largest lake in Nepal, just offshore from the lakeside. It takes less than 10 minutes to reach there by boat. The atmosphere is so tranquil that one can enjoy the green forest scenery just across the south end of the lake, full-scale scenery of the lake and amazing reflection of the Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Machapuchre (6997m) on the surface water of the lake. Two stored pagoda temple is dedicated to the Hindu goddess of love, and prosperity. Thousands of pilgrimages from India and different parts of the country visit this temple. There are major celebrations during Dashain, the biggest Nepali festival, which falls in the month of October.




It is a massive Buddhist stupa located on a hilltop (Rani Ban) just Southern hill of Phewa Lake. This Stupa is the symbol of peace where the huge idols of Lord Buddha from Japan, SriLanka, Thailand, and Nepal have been installed. From here one can enjoy the breathtaking view of Himalayan ranges, lakes, and the city. As the route is from the lakeside by boat, it can be enjoyed biathlon of boating and hiking at the same time. Another option is that you can visit DAVI’S FALL on the way and then the gentle climbing starts from Chhore Patan. If you want to avoid all walks, and then you can drive close to the place and walk 10 minutes to the stupa.




Locally known as Patale Chhango was naked Davi’s Fall after a Swiss lady was swept away and died on 31 July 1961. The water flowing from the Phewa lake shows a wonderful fall. We find a hollow sandy part and a heavy fall of water within its natural trench. It looks really amazing scene of the rainbow with sunlight when a volume of waterfalls in the deep rocky gorge and produces water vapor, especially in summer.




There are many limestone caves as interesting parts of the geological study. Among them, MAHENDRA CAVE, BATS’ CAVE, and CRYSTAL CAVE are situated in the northern part of the city and about 8 km drive from the Lakeside. GUPTESHWOR MAHADEV CAVE, where an idol of Lord Shiva is mysteriously found is situated just opposite to the DAVI’S FALL.





A historical Newari bazaar is extended in the heart of the city just south beneath the Bindabasini temple. This area has been protected as an old heritage site of Pokhara where one can observe old houses, temples, and the cultural life & activities of Newari people.



Several numbers of Tibetan refugees have been living in Nepal since 1959. The number has reached up to twenty thousand now. Pokhara area is the mainland when they arrived and settled in Nepal. One such is Tashi Ling Tibetan Settlement at Chhorepatan, which is located near two popular sightseeing sites i.e. Davi’s Fall and Gupteshwar Mahadev Cave. The other two Tashi Palkhel and Paljor Ling are situated in Hemja and Prithvi Chowk respectively. One may visit Tibetan monastery, curio shops, hand-made carpet factories, schools et. In those settlements. Tashi Palkhel is in Hemja, 9km west from Lakeside, where Zip-line fly-ends nearby.

As each and every corner of Pokhara is scenic and picturesque, there are many places and things to see and to enjoy. What you need is to plan it as per your available time. There are several half-day trips, full-day trips, day hikes mountain bike routes, and bird watching trips as advised below.



The International Mountain Museum is situated just 1.5 km south from Pokhara airport and around 5 km from Lakeside. The spot is rightly selected that we can enjoy the unique view of the 3 massive mountain peaks; Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu which are above 8000 meters with our single eyesight and no place in the world offer us such a panoramic view. It provides information on mountaineering, the world’s mountain system, mountain cultures, environments, prominent people in mountain history, mountain geography, ecology, an exhibition of mountaineering, history, and implied methods. Opens daily from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Managed by the Nepal Mountaineering Association. Entry fee in Nr: foreigners 300, residential foreigners or SAARC citizens 100, Nepali adults 50, Nepali students 35, and garden visitors 10 only. 

International Mountain Museum



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