Annapurna Circuit Trek

Round Annapurna Trek

Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the most famous treks in the world. Total trekkers arrival in Nepal about 60% choose this Annapurna Round Trek. Since it gives the full vision of the country’s diversity with its surprising landscapes, river, waterfall, lakes, beautifully sculpted agricultural fields in the hills, giant snowy peaks, different villages, different ethnic groups, their culture, costumes, traditions, rituals and religion: Hindu and Buddhist, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to trek with their family, friends, organized, or individual every year.

 In the plain and the hilly region, most of the ethnic groups are Hindus. They are farmers. They worship Mt. Annapurna is the Hindu goddess of fertility, harvest, and fulfillment of food. Thanks to the glaciers of this massif Himal, which irrigates their agricultural fields.

Higher up at the altitude, between giant snowy peaks and sky, there live Tibetan origin ethnic groups who are Buddhist have kept their traditions, customs and religion.

This all-time favorite trek offers an incredible view over snow-capped mountains namely Himalculi, Manaslu, Annapurna II, III, IV, Gangapurna, Tilicho Peak, Cholu west, Thorung Peak. Tilicho Lake (4910m), the highest altitude lake in the world, and Thorung La Pass (5416m), the 10th the biggest pass in the world makes your adventure an unforgettable one. 

Since the motorable route from Besishahar to Chame is completed 65km in 2015, and extended later on 31km till Khangsaar, Manang one can take 9 hours to drive directly from Besishahar (820m) to Khangsaar (3735m). But such drastic changes in elevation can cause High-Altitude Sicknesses problems such as Acute Mountain Sickness, High-Altitude Cerebral Edema, HACE (swelling of the brain), and High - Altitude Pulmonary Edema, HAPE (accumulation of fluid in lungs).

So, here I have prepared an Itinerary with my experience for good acclimatization to avoid possible High-Altitude related sicknesses. 


Day 1: Kathmandu - Besishahar (760m) - Tal (1700m)

Early in the morning, drive to Besishahar which takes 5 hours offers you beautiful landscapes, agricultural fields, and different settlements.   After lunch at Besishahar, take a local jeep drive to Tal (1700m). It takes 3.5 hours to drive through beautiful rice fields, villages, long waterfalls along the Marsangdhi River. Tal is a beautiful settlement of lodges between the Marsangdi River and Waterfall. Overnight at lodge.  

Day 2: Tal - Timang (2270m)

After breakfast, start the trek towards the end of the settlement to cross a bridge over the Marsangdi River. Then the trail continues in a zigzag way passing through Karte (1870m) after 1.5 hours until the narrow gorge. In the good weather, we can see Kang Guru Himal (6981m). After 1 hour, we arrive at Dharapani (1900m). This village at the junction between Manasu (8163) and Annapurnas trekking. Continue straight for Annapurna trek, on your right you see the Manaslu mountains. 

The trail goes gradually up through the settlement of Bagarchap (2160m) and Danaqyu (2200m) for about 1.45 hours, on the way discover the Lamjung Himal (6993m). After walking 45 mins through the pin forest, a small village Timang appears. Overnight at Timang lodge. 


Timang Lodge

Day 3: Timang - Dhikur Pokhari (3060m)

The trail continues along the Marsangdi River through the settlement of Thanchowk (2570m), pine forest, and Koto (2640m). Behind us a beautiful view of Manaslu massif.  After 45mins walking on an easy flat trail, arrive at Chame, the district headquarter of Lamjung and Manang. Long praying wheels wall, Tibetan architecture, lodges and government offices, police check post welcome you in the Buddhist settlement. 

After walking 3 hours from Chame passing through Bhratang (2850m) and beautiful pine forest, arrive at Dhukur Pokhari (3240m), a small settlement just under the Annapurna II. Overnight at lodge. 

Day 4: Dhikur Pokhari - Ngawal (3660m)

After breakfast, continue straight to a beautiful turquoise lake before starting climb towards Upper Pisang (3310m). A small Tibetan style village. On the top of the village, a beautiful monastery with Tibetan painting offers an excellent view of Lower Pisang, landscapes, and Annapurna II (7932m). After a 1.45 hour walk, arrive at another small village Ghyaru (3730m) at the foot of Annapurna II for a lunch break with a magnificent landscape view. 

After lunch, walk for about 1.45 hours on the beautiful balcony path with a breathtaking view. Nyawal, a beautiful small Tibetan settlement has kept its traditions, customs, and religion. More often Himalayan griffins (a huge vulture) seen from here just a few meters away. Overnight at lodge. 

Day 5: Ngawal - Manang (3540m)

The trail goes steep down about 45mins towards Humde (3330m) then continue flat motorable path about 1.45 hour to reach Braga (3450m). Stop here for a lunch break. Order your lunch and go up about 10 mins to see the oldest monastery of this region, which is believed in the 13th century for beautiful photos. 

After lunch, it takes only 45 mins to reach beautiful Manang bazaar, beyond the mountains. Afternoon stroll around.   

Day 6: Manang - Khangshar Village (3735m)

After breakfast, take a left trail for Khangshar Village crossing a bridge over the Marshandi River through a rocky and dusty narrow trail. An incredible view of Gangapurna, Gangapurna glacier lake, and Manang valley. As you are in altitude, don't forget to keep your walking rhythm. Overnight at Khangshar village lodge. 


Day 7: Khangshar Village - Tilicho lake (4910m) - Khangshar Village.

As today is a long day in altitude, get up early in the morning, get your pack lunch ready with you to start an adventure to the Highest Elevation Lake in the world "Tilicho Lake" passing through Tilicho Base Camp (4150m). On the way stunning view of Tilicho Peak (7134m). Take some amazing caption. Have your pack lunch with a breathtaking view of the peak and lake. Back to Khangshar villager for overnight. It takes approx. 7 hours walk. 

Tilicho Lake (4910m)

Day 8: Khangshar Village - Yak Kharka (4050m)

After breakfast, start the trail towards the classic trail of Annapurna Circuit. First 1.5 hour descent through rocky and dusty trail until the river to climb up gradually towards Yak Kharka. Possible to see on the way blue sheep and yaks grazing on the hill. Walking time 5 hours. Overnight at Yak Kharka lodge. 

blue sheeps

Yak Kharka lodges


Day 9: Yak Kharka - Thorung Phedi (4450m)

The trail progressively goes up till ledar (4200m) crossing a bridge after 1 hour. Then the trail goes down to the small wooden bridge over Kone Khola (small river) after 30 mins then it goes steep up about 25mins to a small tea shop. Take a short tea break or water. You can see on your left hill the herds of yak gazing and ringing the neck bell. 

Continue little up and down through a narrow stone falling zone for about 45 mins to reach Thorung Phedi. Overnight at 4450m height lodge. 

on the way to ledar (4200m)

Thorung Phedi lodge

Day 10: Thorung Phedi - Thorung La Pass (5416m) - Muktinath (3700m)

Today this is the day to cross Thorung La (5416m), the highest elevation of this trek. Start early in the morning at 4:30am to avoid the wind on the pass. The first one hour is a steep climb until High Camp (4850m) then the trail goes progressively long up to the top which takes approx 2.30 hours. Don't forget to keep good rythmn as you are walking at altitude. 

On your arrival at the top take some amazing photos for your lifetime memory, then drink tea or eat chocolate at a small tea shop nearby, open specially on the high season April, May, or Oct, Nov. 

Then the trail goes long way down to Charabu (4230m) after 3 hours tiring walk overlooking the barren landscapes and snowy peaks such as Dhaulagiri I (8167m) and Nilgiri (7061m) of the Mustang Region and Dolpo Region. Stop for a lunch break or hot soup. Then continue still 1.5-hour descent to Muktinath Temple (3800m). A sacred pilgrimage place for Hindu as well as Buddhist, where 108 water sprouts purify  your soul. 

Then continue to descend about 10 mins through the stone paved staircase and continue walking only 15 mins to the lodge at Ranipauwa. Beautiful sunset view of Dhaulagiri.   


on the way to Thorung La Pass 

At top 5416m

Muktinath Temple

Ranipauwa, Muktinath

Day 11: Muktinath - Lupra - Jomsom (2740m)

Beautiful sunrise view in the morning, after breakfast, climb up progressively until Lupra hill which takes about 2.15 hours. Here you can see the closer view of Dhaulagiri. Then the trail goes steep down till Ekle Bhatti (2740m) for about 2 hours to join the flat dusty road to Jomsom which takes about 1 hour. This is a district headquarter of Mustang and gets the way of Mustang and Dolpo trekking. A large settlement of lodges, Mustang's products shops, and airport. Overnight at lodge.  

Sunrise view from Ranipauwa

Excellent view of Dhaulagiri from Lupra Hill

Lunch at old Bonpo buddhist village


Day 12: Jomsom - Pokhara - Kathmandu

35 mins morning flight to Pokhara then 25 mins flight to Kathmandu. Overnight at Hotel


Jomsom Airport


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