Annapurna Sanctuary Trek


The Jewel of Nepal “Annapurna Sanctuary” also famous as “Annapurna Base Camp”. Annauprna literally means the Hindu goddess of fertility, harvest and fulfillment of food. Thanks to the glaciers of this massif Himal, which irrigates the agricultural fields to harvest it's maximum.

Since Annapurna I (8091m) was first climbed in 1950 by Mauriche Herzog and his team, this region is very famous to the trekkers and adventure lovers of the world. This is the 9th highest mountain in the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands trekker trek to admire the 3600 an absolute stunning view of Annaurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m), Annapurna I (8091m) and most amazing Machapuchre-Fishtail (6997m) massif just in front of eyes from the elevation of 4150m.

An ideal trek to get as close as possible to the massif Himalayas without high altitude. Different superb hills, Gurung traditional houses, agricultural fields, mesmerizing view of Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Machapuchre-Fishtail (6997m) throughout the trek makes an unforgettable memory of your life. Beautiful pine, bomboo and colourful rhododendron forests fill more joy and colour in this trek. If you really want to admire the natural Himalayan beauty from close this trek is for you.


Day 1: Kathmandu (1350m) - Pokhara (900) - Phedi - Dhampus (1650m)

Morning flight to Pokhara from Kathmandu takes 25 mins. Lunch at Pokhara. Then drive 30 mins to reach Dhampus Phedi (1100m) to start your short day hike about 1.5 hours steep ascent  walking on the stone paved steps through agricultural fields and village. In the evening enjoy the breathtaking sunrise view with Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m), Machapuchre-Fishtail (6997m) and landscapes. Local women committee also organsied singing and dancing program to welcome you in the village. Overnight at Lodge. 

Drive to Pokhara from Kathmandu takes 7 hours. Take a lunch on the way to Pokhara then continue till Dhampus Phedi which takes only half an hour. Here, your first hiking start for about 1.5 hours to your first destination Dhampus Village. In the evening  enjoy the breathtaking sunrise view with mountains and landscapes. Local women committee also organised singin and dancing program to welcome you in the village. Overnight at Lodge. 

Agricultural field on the trail 

Rice field on the way to Dhampus

Traditional nepali house

View from Dhampus Village

Local women committee welcoming

Day 2: Dhampus - Landruk (1565m)

Early in the morning mesmerising sunrise view with mountains. After breakfast, start the trek to Lunduk village. Trail goes up gradually through beautiful villages, on the shadow of forest and with mountains about 1 hour to reach Pothana (1900m). Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) checkpost. After Pothana village, there are two trails to join Landruk village. One climb up Pitam Deurali (2100m) and descend at Bhichok which is classical trail and offers magnifique mountains view.

Annapurna II, IV and Lamjung Himal

Group photo with Annapurna South and Hiunchuli

Agricultural field and traditional house

Group photo on the way to Tolka

Another is motorable flat trail which is easy trail compare to Pitam Deurali. It's your choice. It takes 3.30 hours for lunch break at Tolka (1700m). After lunch, it takes only 45mins to reach Lundruk Village, a beautiful Gurung village. Overnight at Lodge.

Landruk village Lodge

Day 3: Landruk - Chhomrong (2140m)

After breakfast, walk down about 10mins then take a trail on your right through agricultural field. Continue with little up and down to cross a small monkey bridge and walk down till Himalpani which takes you 1 hour. After crossing another monkey bridge over Modi River, walk upward about 25mins to take a short tea or water break at New Bridge (1500m)

small waterfall at Himalpani

monkey bridge

Then trail goes with relaxing up and down to cross a wooden bridge over Kyumrong Khola (River) around 1 hour. After the trail goes steep up through stone paved steps until Jhinu Danda (1710m). Take a rexaling lunch before heading up to the top village Chhomrong after 1.5 hours steep ascend walk. Beautiful big village with always beautiful Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and amazing Machapuchre-Fishtail (6997m), this is the to and fro point of  Annapurna Sanctuary. Overnight at lodge. 

Jhinu Danda 

Day 4: Chhomrong - Dovan (2505m)

After mindblowing sunrise view and breakfast, trail goes steep down through more than 2000 stone paved steps till the bridge over Chhomrong Khola (small river) to start walking up to Sinuwa (2340m), famous for wild bee honey, which takes 1.5 hours. Take short water or tea break or to take closer photo of Machapuchre - Fishtail (6997m). 

Chhomrong stone steps

Arriving at Sinuwa

Trail goes now relaxing little up and down through the shadow of forest with amazing Machapuchre view on your right about 1 hour before starting steep descend on stone paved steps till Bamboo (2310m). Take a lunch break. Then walk progessively up 1.5 hours through bamboo forest and bee hive cliff to reach at Dovan (2510m). Only three lodges, choose one for overnight.

on the way to Bamboo

Dovan Lodge

Day 5: Dovan - Deurali (3230m)

After breakfast, start the day trek in the shadow forest which climbs up gradually to Himalaya Hotel (2920m) after 1.5 hour. As it climbs at the altitute, take a tea or water break at Himalaya (2920m). Then trail goes steep up for about 45 mins, after little up and down trail continue for 30mins  to arrive at Deurali viewpoint. Again stop for some rest before descending to cross glacier river and climbing up 40mins to reach the destination Deurali. Here also 3 lodges available for overnight. 


30mins before Deurali

3 lodges of Deurali 

Deurali lodge

Day 6: Deurali - Machapuchre Base Camp (3700m)

Start your short day trek about 2 hours through avalanche trail which continue ascending until Machapuchre Base Camp. Here also 3 lodges available but middle one or top one is best for amazing view of Machapuchre (6997m). Take lunch and go for acclimatization about 2 hours. Overnight at MBC. 

on the way to MBC

Blue sheeps

glacier seen on the way 

Machapuchre-Fishtail (6997m)

Day 7: MBC - Annapurna Base Camp (4150m) - Himalaya Hotel (2920m)

Early in the morning at 4:30am, climb up the trail to ABC "ANNAPURNA SANCTUARY" to be on time for an absolute stunning sunrise view over the Machapuchre (6997m), Annapurna I (8091m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Annpurna South (7219m). It takes 2 hours to reach ABC. Don't forget that you are in altitude, walk slowly and continuously with good walking rythme. 

Annapurna Base Camp 4150m

sunrise view from ABC

Annapurna South (7219m)

Sunrise view ABC

Annapurna South (7219m) and Hiunchuli (6441m) 

Group photo for lifetime memory

Take so many amazing photos for your lifetime memory and to tell your first adventure story. Take coffee or tea, then head down to MBC, takes 1.5 hours. Have breakfast before start trek down to Himalya about 2 hours to avoid possible high altitude sickness. Overnight at Himalaya. 

Day 8: Himalaya - Lower Sinuwa (2290m)

After breakfast, same way down to Dovan, Bamboo for 2 hours for short tear or water break. Then climb up steep on stone paved steps for about 40mins to start continuing through little up and down trail through sun and shadow forest till Sinuwa, it takes more than 1.5 hours. Take a lunch break here. 

Dovan farmer house

Climbing stone stair from Bamboo

Then trek down overlooking the landscapes and chhomrong village just opposite hill after 40 mins walk, you arrive at lower Sinuwa  then choose a lodge for good rest, good view and don't forget to taste wild honey here. Overnight at lodge.

down to lower Sinuwa

Day 9: Lower Sinuwa - Ghandruk (1940m)

After breakfast, walk down till the bridge over Chhomrong Khola for 30 mins, then start tiring steep ascend till Chhomrong through more than 2000 stone paved steps which takes 45mins to 1 hour. Take some rest and again take some beautiful photos before heading towards Kimrong Khola. First 1 hour easy trail with landscapes view, then steep down for 30 mins till Kimrong Khola to begin steep up trail until Ghandruk Village which takes 1.5 hours. One of the most beautiful village in South Asia on the lap of Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Machapuchre - Fishtail (6997m). Take a lunch and then go to visit Gurung traditional houses, musieum and a small monastery in the village. Overnight at lodge. 

Ghandruk village

Ghandruk Museum House

wearing Gurung dress at museum

me amd clients from France at museum


Day 10: Ghandruk - Pokhara (900m)

Get up early in the morning to admire one of the best sunrise view overlooking mountains, beautiful traditional Gurung houses and landscapes before breakfast. Since mid 2017, off road is accessible for jeep drive to Pokhara, take a local jeep just 10 mins walk away from lodge. It takes 3.5 hours drive to Pokhara. 

me, porter brother and clients at  Ghadruk by Jeep

Check in hotel, go to lakeside Pokhara to take lunch according to your choice. Pokhara is naturally blessed with snow-capped mountains, lakes and pristine landscapes which is second biggest city after Kathmandu and also doorway for many famous trekking in Annapurna Region, Mustang Region and Dolpo Region

Lunch time

After lunch, go for an hour relaxing boating on Phewa Lake

Boats are waiting for you

Visit Devi's Fall. 

Devi's Fall

Devi's fall from cave

And Gupteshwor Mahadev Natural Cave.

Cave entrance

Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave

Day 11: Pokhara - Kathmandu (1350m)

Take a morning flight or drive back to Kathmandu. 

If you fly back to Kathmandu, visit UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE "Boudhanath Stupa" just few kms away from Airport. This is one of the biggest stupa of Asia. Take a lunch on the rooftop restaurant with an overlooking view of stupa. Then drive to Hotel. 

domestic flight

Boudhanath Stupa

If you drive back to Kathmandu, visit UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE "Swayambhunath Stupa" also known as "Monkey Temple" on your way to Hotel after entering Kathmandu. If weater permits on your arrival beautiful sunset view with an overlooking view of Kathmandu valley and at north 180 degree streching view of Himalayas.  

Tourist Bus

Swayambhunath Stupa


  1. ABC is better or Annapurna Sanctuary is good? Which one is the best one to over another....?

  2. As we search in google with both ABC or Annaupurna Sanctuary is keyword. But i think ABC is good enough.


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