Khopra/Mohare Danda Trek

Khopra Danda and Mohare Danda Trek

Khopra Ridge and Mohare Danda Trek is a community lodge-based trekking. This newly opened short, moderate and an off the beaten trail is an alternative trek to the famous Ghorepani trek in the Annapurna Region which offers an absolutely stunning view of the Gurja Himal (7193m), Dhaulagiri Range from I -VI, Tukuche Peak (6920m), Nilgiri South (6940m), Nilgiri North (7061m), Annapurna Fang - Baharashikar (7857m), Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Machapuchre - Fishtail (6997m). 

This 8 days long trek is suitable for every age groups. As local people are farmer, they are engaged for yak farming, preparing Nepali paper "Lokta", handmade sheep's wool products, local plum jam...Khopra community lodge is situated at an elevation of 3660m offers an incredibly close view of 7th tallest mountain in the world "Dhaulagiri I (8167m).

This trek is also called 4 viewpoints trek since it offers 4 different amazing hill station to admire the mesmerizing sunrise and sunset 180-degree panoramic view with the mighty Himalayas just in front of your eyes. 

4 mesmerizing viewpoints:

1) Muldai Viewpoint (3637m)

2) Khopra Danda (3660m)

3) Ghorepani, Poon Hill (3210m)

4) Mohare Danda (3313m)


Day 1: Kathmandu (1350m) - Pokhara (900m) - Ghandruk (1980m)

Morning flight to Pokhara (900m) from Kathmandu (1350m) 25 minutes flight or drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara takes about 7 hours. Then local jeep to Ghandruk (1980m), it takes 3h30. One of Asia's most beautiful Gurung Village on the lap of Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m) and Machhapuchre -Fishtail(6993m). Overnight at lodge. 

Ghandruk Village

Day 2: Ghandruk - Tadapani (2630m)

Morning sunrise view with mighty Himalaya, Breakfast then start trek to Tadapani (2630m) through the shadow of colourful rhododendron forest. It takes around 4 hours to reach and take lunch. Always the beautiful same snow-capped mountains ahead of you. Overnight at lodge. 


Day 3: Tadapani - Dobato (3440m)

Again a beautiful sunrise view while taking breakfast then start to hike up through lush rhododendron forest. In the calm quiet rhododendron forest after about 1 hour, we reach to a lodge for a short tea break or drink water. It takes about 4 hours through up and down trails in the shadow of the forest to reach  Dobato (3440m). Overnight at lodge. 


Day 4: Dobato - Chistibang (3030m)

Get up early in the morning at 5:00am to hike up around 40 minutes to reach at Muldai Peak (3637m). An amazing view point to admire mesmerising sunrise view with numerous mountains from left to right Gurja Himal (7193m), Dhaulagiri VI (7268m), Jirbang (6062m) Dhualgiri IV (7661m), Dhaulagiri V (7618m), Dhaulagiri III (7715m), Dhaulagiri II (7751m), Dhaulagiri I (8167m), Tukuche Peak (6920m), Nilgiri South (6940m), Nilgiri North (7061m), Annapurna Fang - Baharasikhar (7857m), Annapurna I (8091m), Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m), Annapurna III (7555m), Machapuchre- Fishtail (6997m), Annapurna II (7937m), Lamjung Himal (6983m), Ngadi Peak (7871m), Himalchuli (7371m), Bouddha Himal (6672m), Ganesh Himal IV (7and at the east Makalu (8481m)

Then descend to the lodge for breakfast and prepare for next destination Chistibang. 

Climb up progressively towards Bayeli, takes 45 minutes for a short break. 

Then descend about 2 hours to reach a small river for a packed lunch break quiet in nature. After 30 minutes ascending steep, it takes 1h30 to reach Chistibang (3030m). Overnight at  Chistibang community lodge. 

Chistibang, Dhan Kharka

Day 5: Chistibang - Khopra Ridge (3660m)

After hot community breakfast, climb up steep about 1 hour for a short water break. Then it takes about 1h30 to reach progressively at Khopra Danda (3660m) Community Lodge. An absolute mindblowing view of Dhaulagiri on your left side and Nilgiri South, Nilgiri North, Fang and Annapurna South on your right. Lunch break then climb up to 4000m for an excellent overlooking view of Kali Gandaki River, face-to-face mountains, landscapes and blue sky. Overnight at Khopra Community Lodge with free wifi. 

Khopra Ridge (3660m)

For an option: 

If your thirst of adventure hasn't been quenched, there are the holy lakes and glaciers that camp up just below the Annapurna South at an altitude of 4600m. It takes 9 to 10 hours. One more day at Khopa Community lodge. These small glaciers lakes are also pilgrimaged place for the local community. In the special occasion of a local festival, they sacrifice goats and sheep to the Hindu goddess. In this way, they worship the Hindu goddess to be protected and avoid evil things from the region. 

Khopra Ridge 4200m

Day 6: Khopra Ridge - Swanta (2270m)

After a beautiful sunrise view with giant mountains and hot community breakfast, today is a long way down to Swanta village through Chistibang. Steep descent about 4 hours including short water break and rest, lunch break at a beautiful lodge. Then it only takes about 2 hours walking through  subtropical bamboo forest to reach a beautiful Swanta village. Overnight at Swanta village lodge. 

on the way to Swanta 

Swanta Village

Day 7: Swanta - Ghorepani (2900m)

After breakfast, start descent about 25 minutes to cross a bridge to climb up towards Chitre Village. A beautiful view on your right of Swanta village and giant Dhaulagiri Himal after crossing the bridge. It takes around 3h30 to reach Ghorepani ascending progressively. Lunch break and visit the famous classical establishment of Ghorepani. Overnight at lodge. 

Ghorepani, Poon Hill

Day 8: Ghorepani - Mohare Danda (3313m)

Get up early in the morning to steep ascent about 45 minutes for an absolute amazing sunrise view from Poon Hill (3210m) tower. Mountains are the same but the view is far than other viewpoints. But still beautiful as it is. Hot tea or coffee with biscuits with a wonderful view. Then descent few minutes to continue with up and down towards Mohare Danda. It takes 4h30 to reach at only one community lodge. Overnight at community lodge with high-speed free wifi

Mohare Danda

Day 9: Mohare Danda - Hile (1400m)

Another magnificent sunrise view and hot delicious community breakfast,  descent towards Ulleri. Bring enough water, some chocolates because it's a long way down and no lodge in between. After 4 hours descending, lunch break at Ulleri, beautiful Classique trail and so many colourful lodges. 

After lunch and little rest, continue towards Hile. It takes another 2 hours, steep descending through the stone paved steps and crossing one monkey bridge. Hile is a beautiful small Gurung Village along with agriculture fields, domestic animals like goats, buffaloes, cows etc and also well known for best Nepali food "DalBhat". Overnight at lodge.

way down to Ulleri

Day 10: Hile - Pokhara (900m)

After having delicious breakfast and thanking all. Just 5 minutes walk down, take a local jeep to Pokhara. It takes only 3h30 drive through the beautiful village, landscapes and crossing a bridge over Modi River at Birethanti. Check-in hotel at Pokhara. Go for a lunch break. The second biggest city offers plenty of different cuisine at restaurants according to your choice, "Continental", Italian", Japanese", Chinese, Nepali, American etc.

Phewa lake and Pokhare valley

The city has many more to offer for shopping as well as sightseeing at surrounding. Pokhara homes three different lakes namely Phewa Lake, Begnas Lake and Rupa Lake. Phewa lake is the second biggest lake of Nepal. Enjoy the boating for an hour to admire the beauty along with Annapurna Range and Machapuchre-Fishtail. At the same time don't forget to visit Tal Bahari Temple of Hindu goddess at a small Island on the lake. 

Then go to visit Devi's fall.

Locally known as Patale Chhango was named Devi's Fall after a Swiss lady was swept away and died on 31 July 1961. The water flowing from the Phewa lake shows a wonderful fall. We find the hollow sandy part and a heavy fall of water within its natural trench. It looks really amazing scene of the rainbow with sunlight when a volume of waterfalls in the deep rocky gorge and produces the water vapour, especially in summer. 

Devi's fall

Devi's fall view from the cave

Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave. A natural cave.

There are many limestone caves as interesting parts of the geological study. Among them, Gupteshwar Mahadev cave, where an idol of Hindu God Lord Shiva is mysteriously found is situated just opposite to the Davi's Fall. 

Gupteshwar Mahadev Cave

Entrance of Cave

And of course, go to visit International Mountain Museum.

International Mountain Museum

Only 5 km away from Phewa Lakeside, International Mountain Museum provides information on mountaineering, the world's mountain system, mountain cultures, environments, prominent people in mountain history, mountain geography, ecology, the exhibition of mountaineering, history and implied methods. It opens daily 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. 

Day 11: Pokhara - Kathmandu (1350m)

Flyback or drive back to Kathmandu. 

If you fly back, don't forget to visit Boudhanath Stupa, one of the biggest stupa in Asia. Everyday thousands of Tibetan, Nepali and tourists from different part of the world visit this holy UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE, enlisted in 1978. Take a memorable lunch on the rooftop restaurant overlooking the magnificent stupa. 

Boudhanath Stupa

If you decide to drive back to Kathmandu, don't forget to visit Swayambhunath Stupa on your way to the hotel at Kathmandu. This is also UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE, enlisted in 1978. Sacred pilgrimage place for Vajrayana Buddhists. If the weather permits on your arrival, it offers a panoramic view over Kathmandu valley along with Himalayan Range and sunset. This is also well known as monkey temple. Beware of monkeys. Don't tease them and go near, some of them are aggressive

Swayambhunath Stupa



  1. Very nice itinerary.. we can have very relaxing and enjoying treak I think.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Yes it's very relaxing and enjoyable.

  2. Interesting itinerary... Good work.

  3. Nice presentation. want to go this trek in future.


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