Top 5 Treks in Nepal

Top 5 treks in Nepal

Everest Base Camp Trek 

In a seas of millions, few milions of tourists visits Nepal for sole purpose of trekking.

Since the country is basically the home for the most of the tallest mountains in the world, trekkers finds it difficult to choose which trekking trail they should go for.

So here I am to help you choose best trekking destination in Nepal from many trails that trekkers can find in Nepal.

Trekking is basically one of the things that you should do while in Nepal.

You can find easy, short trekking route to a month long and rugged trekking trails in Nepal.

Most of all, trekking allows trekkers to not only appreciate the glorious high mountains of Nepal but also enjoy the diverse Himalayan culture of Nepal.

While trekking, you will come across most friendly villagers and their domestic animals helping them in their fields.

All in all, trekking comprises of thrill, adventure and calmness that trekkers are seeking in their holidays.

I am highlighting top 5 best treks in Nepal.

Everest Base Camp Trek tops my list of top 5 best treks in Nepal.

On the way to Lobuche from Dinboche 

Every year, trekkers who are an avid to the beginner pick this absolutely beautiful trek for the adventurous holiday in Nepal.

Many people thinks to reach the lap of the world’s tallest mountain is very difficult.

But what they do not know is that, this is perfectly organized trek.

With a passion and determination one can reach the Everest Base Camp.

Most of all, people do not only opts for this trek for the beautiful mountain views but also to experience the life of the people living in the Himalayan region.

Similarly, Everest Base Camp Trek lies on Khumbu region which is mostly dominated by Sherpa ethnic groups of Nepal.

Besides the amazing Sherpa settlements, its tradition, customs, and unique culture, you will have an opportunity to traverse amazing town of Namche, Lukla and Tengboche monastery.

Likewise, you will have an opportunity to see the most amazing sunrise view amidst the Everest range from Kala Patthar.

Everest Base Camp Trek is full of delightful experience so every minute you spend on this trail is amazing and worthwhile.

After EBC trek, Annapurna Base Camp Trek is the most picked trekking route in Nepal.

Annapurna I (8091m) seen from ABC (4150M)

Every year many trekkers opts this trail for the magnificent Himalayan beauty and raw cultural experience.

Although, this is a Himalayan Trail, the culture and the lifestyle of the people is quite different than the people you will meet in other trekking trails of Nepal.

In fact, you will get to meet most diverse ethnic groups in this trek.

For instance, the trail is shaped by the ethnic communities like Gurung, Magar, Chhetri, Thakali and Brahmins and many more.

Other than the vibrant cultural experience, you will get to enjoy the pleasure of being in the nature wonders.

The trek entail trekking through lush forest of rhododendron flowers and other vegetation’s.

Likewise, you will be crossing the small and big rivers and sometimes walk along the river banks too.

For the most part, you will pass villages, fields, terrace farmlands and walk through the steep paths.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is that trek where you will get to enjoy mountains, nature and the culture all at once.

Therefore, it is second on my list of top 5 best treks in Nepal.

Despite the fact that the Langtang Valley is one of the close trekking destination from the capital city- Kathmandu, the trail is yet to be discovered by many trekkers.

Langtang Lirung (7227m)

Comparatively numerous trekkers pick ABC trek and EBC trek, but few still manages to explore the remote and off the beaten path towards Langtang valley.

Surrounded by the Langtang range, Langtang valley trek offers beauty in the rhododendron and bamboo forests, roaring waterfalls and dazzling snow-topped mountains all throughout the journey.

The greatest height you will reach in this trek is 5000m at Tserko Ri from where you can get the picturesque 360 view of the Langtang range and of the town that lays on the lap of the Himalayas.

Along with that you can observe the Buddhist culture of the Tamang and the Sherpa ethnic groups, and the old religious community of Kyanjin Gompa that is close to

The trek goes through Langtang National Park-a perfect field with lofty widely varied vegetation, yak fields and stunning landscapes.

The national park shelters rare and endangered animals like Snow leopard, red pands, Himalayan Tahr, birds of varieties of species, pheasants, monkeys and many more.

For the people who are looking for unique and short trek in Nepal, Langtang Valley trek is an ideal trek for them.

Henceforth, due to its unique delights, Langtang Valley Trek falls on our third position.

Annapurna Circuit Trek is popular off the beaten trek in Nepal.

10th biggest pas on earth, Thorong La Pass (5416m)

In this trek, you will visit some of the remote part of Nepal as well as some of the authentic Tibetan Buddhist villages.

Likewise, you will also get to enjoy the subtropical woods that opens to offer majestic views of the mountains.

The unique landscape and the unique culture are some features that one will get to experience in this journey.

The path goes through the terrace farmlands to the vast yak pastureland and through the world’s deepest gorge- Kali Gandaki and the Thorong La pass at 5416m.

The journey also includes visiting Muktinath temple which is a religious hub for Buddhist and Hindu followers.

Likewise, the journey continues through exceptional and intriguing town of Jomsom, Kagbeni, Marpha, Manang, Mustang with its little religious communities.

 Hence, due to its diverse culture, nature and landscapes, Annapurna Circuit Trek is on fourth position of my top 5 treks in Nepal.

Upper Mustang, Lo-Manthang trek is 5th position on my top 5 treks in Nepal. 

Charang Village, Upper Mustang

The Upper Mustang trek is the last gateway to the mysterious world of the ancient Buddhist kingdom of Mustang, also called Lo-Manthang.

Once rejected and isolated from the rest of the world for decades, the area was able to emerge through its unique culture and rich culture integrated with Tibet.

 This balanced, little-known trek passes through one of the most arid regions of Nepal and impresses with beautiful mountains such as Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri and Annapurna.

 It lies on the shadow of the Himalayas, and as one of the restricted regions of Nepal, the trek is known for its wilderness beauty and its rugged land.

This trans-Himalayan mountainous region has Tibetan boundaries and has a distinct Tibetan feel to it, to its people and to the culture and arid environment of the high cliffs.

Explore ancient caves, stone paintings, monasteries, and gompa and learn something about the culture of mysterious area.

Ghar Gompa is over 1,200 years old, given to Guru Rinpoche, who was traveling in these areas at the time.

1200 years old Ghar Gumba

 Gompa is famous for its rock paintings, and the fact is that if you make a wish here, it will come true.


 Special permit should obtain from Immigration department of NEPAL.

Dhakmar, Upper Mustang


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